With PanQuiz you can grade your assessments in 2 different ways: simple, where you set a minimum passing score (expressed in points or percentage) and, if the student gets at least that score, the assessment is considered passed, or custom, where...
When you create an assessment (or a live quiz), you are the owner and the only author. However, sometimes it may be useful to share your assessment (together with everything included in it like, for example, questions, responses, etc.) with other...
This feature is still experimental and currently disabled. This article is being translated into English, meanwhile you can check the original article in Italian or the article automatically translated by Google (of course the translation is not so...
When creating an assessment, the teacher can assign a different score (weight) to each question: the final score is the sum of all these scores and it will be displayed to the student in the Results page. The teacher can also set the passing score...
PanQuiz can be used for official tests and assessments, for example college or university exams. For this reason, the program provides several advanced features that make delivering assessments more secure and create the right environment for online...