Archive: Knowledge Base

Custom grading scale

With PanQuiz you can grade your assessments in 2 different ways: simple, where you set a minimum passing score (expressed in points or percentage) and, if the student gets at least that score, the assessment is considered passed, or custom, where...

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Scala di valutazione personalizzata

Con PanQuiz puoi valutare i tuoi questionari in 2 modalità differenti: semplice, dove imposti un punteggio minimo di superamento (espresso in punti o in percentuale) e, se lo studente ottiene almeno quel punteggio, il questionario si intende...

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Importazione delle domande da Moodle

PanQuiz! permette di importare domande già esistenti da un file di Moodle (file XML). Se invece hai un file Microsoft® Word, leggi questo articolo; se hai un file Microsoft® Excel, leggi quest’altro articolo Puoi importare decine, centinaia o...

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Importing Questions from Moodle

PanQuiz! allows you to import existing questions from Moodle files (XML files). If instead you have a Microsoft® Word file, take a look at this article; if you have a Microsoft® Excel file, take a look at this other article. You can import dozens...

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Importing Questions from Word

PanQuiz! allows you to import existing questions from Microsoft® Word files (DOCX). If instead you have a Microsoft® Excel (or CSV) file, take a look at this article. If you have created an assessment or exam paper in Word, you’ll likely be...

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