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Importing Questions from Excel

PanQuiz! allows you to import existing questions from Microsoft® Excel files (or CSV text files). If instead you have a Microsoft® Word file, take a look at this article.

You can import dozens, hundreds or even thousands questions, automatically and quickly. Please follow the steps below to import your questions:

  • In your question list page (be sure you’re in the correct folder), click the icon    in the top-right and a menu with advanced options will be displayed
  • Select the command Import Questions
  • If needed, set the Additional Options
  • Drag the file containing the questions to import (or select it): the file will be uploaded and the questions will be imported automatically.

The file being imported should have a default structure. In detail:

  • The first row should be the headers row and won’t be imported
  • Each following row corresponds to a single question (so in the file we’ll have as many rows as the number of questions to import, in addition to the headers row).

Sample Templates

You can download an Excel file that you can use as a template to import your questions: the basic template is easier but it only contains basic options and can import Multiple Choice questions only. The full template, instead, contains all the options that can be imported.

Basic Template
Full Template
The sample templates above contain the columns for 3 answer choices only; however, if you need more, you can freely increase the number of columns following the same naming rule: Answer 4, Answer 5, Answer 6, and so on.

Math Formulas

PanQuiz! allows you to import questions and answers containing math equations and formulas, supporting both MathML and LaTeX code. MathML code is automatically recognized by PanQuiz!, so there’s no need for any special action. LaTeX code, instead, requires a couple of steps so that PanQuiz! can recognize it. You need to:

  • Enclose the LaTeX code between $$ delimiters (both at the beginning and at the end, with no spaces). For example:
  • Enable, in the import window, the additional option Render LaTeX formulas

You can download an Excel file containing a sample question with some LaTeX formulas.